Change Happens…

Therapy can help your authentic self weather that change.

Life transitions may be uncertain, but with the right support, they can also become catalysts for personal growth, self-discovery, and deeper connection with your authentic self. I help individuals like you embrace change with resilience, clarity, and a sense of purpose so that you can seize the opportunity to embark on a path towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

The Therapeutic Journey


The Therapeutic Journey 〰️

Foster Authentic

I strive to create a supportive space where you can be your true self so we can delve deeper into your challenges, celebrate your progress, and facilitate meaningful change.

Set Tangible

We will work collaboratively to identify clear and achievable goals that align with your values, providing a roadmap for your personal growth and fulfillment.

Challenge Limiting

By exploring alternative perspectives and challenging self-limiting patterns, we can open the door to new possibilities and empower you to make positive changes.


We will explore self-acceptance and work towards embracing your strengths and vulnerabilities so you can build resilience and develop a more authentic and fulfilling life.

What I can help with

  • Life transitions come in many different forms such as relationship beginning and endings, moving, starting or ending a job or career, being diagnosed with a medical illness, and starting or ending a life role. With any change there is a loss, whether that be the loss of an envisioned future or the loss of saying “no” when we say “yes.” Whilst we can’t always change the situation we are in, we can change our attitude towards that situation. We will work on making meaning in your life even in the face of change.

  • Anxiety and depression can manifest in many different ways in our life. The effects can include emotional turmoil, self-limiting beliefs, physical discomfort, social isolation, and impact on our relationships. We will work on tolerating distressing emotions, developing mindfulness skills to anchor you to the present moment, identifying triggers, learning how to self-regulate, and establishing habits to promote wellbeing.

  • Just because we are social creatures, doesn’t mean relationships are easy. Whether it be romantic, plutonic, familial, or work relationships, we can work on the best way to navigate them. From exploring new ones to ending those that are no longer serving you, navigating these dynamics will entail setting healthy boundaries and communicating your needs.

  • Experiencing trauma and loss can leave a lasting impact on our lives, affecting our emotional well-being, relationships, and sense of self. We will focus on untangling yourself from distressing thoughts and memories related to trauma and loss, collaborate on practical actions that promote healing, restoration of trust in yourself and others, and cultivating inner strength, self-compassion, and coping skills to navigate challenges that arise from trauma and loss.

  • Psychedelic experiences can be transformative, offering glimpses into new perspectives, deep healing, and expanded consciousness. However, these experiences can also be intense and challenging to integrate into daily life. We will work collaboratively to make meaning from your experiences, integrate the newfound wisdom into your life, and address any challenges or difficulties that may have surfaced.

    I also offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, which you can learn more about here.

  • If you're an adult living with ADHD, you know the unique challenges that can arise in various areas of your life. From difficulties with focus and organization to managing impulsivity and maintaining healthy relationships, ADHD can impact your overall well-being and hinder your ability to reach your full potential. Together we will work on understanding ADHD, managing symptoms, enhancing self-regulation, improving focus and productivity, and addressing your emotional wellbeing.

If you are struggling with any of the above or wondering if there are other issues we can work through, feel free to get in touch and schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

Where We Do the Work

Either Telehealth or In-Person Sessions in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

— Viktor Frankl